Student Management Department

Student Management Department
The Student Management Department aims to instil a sense of belonging, build positive peer relationships and discipline climate so that our students learn in a caring and enabling environment.
Positive Peer Relationships
Positive peer relationships facilitate the provision of care, a sense
of belonging amongst students, as well as the building of resilience. Student
peer relationships are also powerful channels of positive influence and
are excellent opportunities for student voice and empowerment in the school.
There are 3 broad domains (Peer Bonding, Peer Helping and Peer Influencing) we look into and is enacted in two levels, where every student is a peer supporter.

Positive Discipline
In enacting a positive and proactive approach to discipline in school,
there are three aspects we consider:
• Promote and Prevent – In building strong teacher-student relationships
and giving quality instruction, the school strives to promote a safe and
supportive environment and thus prevent challenging behaviours from occurring
and disrupting learning.
• Address and Correct – Despite preventive measures, students could still
display inappropriate behaviours due to various reasons. These inappropriate
behaviour will be addressed promptly by the teachers, Year Heads and Discipline
• Replace and Restore - As the ultimate goal is for students to develop
self-discipline and good character, teachers help misbehaving students
to replace their inappropriate behaviours with prosocial, appropriate ones,
and to restore relationships with others hurt by their actions.
Student Leadership
To achieve our school vision of “Every SACPS girl a confident and curious
learner who serves with commitment, compassion and cheerfulness”, the department
looks into giving opportunities to all students in developing their leadership
In doing so, we want our student leaders to demonstrate the Canossian
Attributes of Confidence, Curiosity, Commitment, Compassion and Cheerfulness
in serving and leading others.
Student leadership development in SACPS focuses on three dimensions.
• Personal Leadership – students learn to take ownership of their own
actions and choices • Peer Leadership – students learn to serve others
around them
• Thought Leadership – students learn to influence others and create value
to the community
In our school, we believe that every SACPS student is a Service Leader,
thus the school’s core values of Charity, Humility, Forgiveness and Faith
also serves as a foundation for the SACPS Service Leader.